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After the Fire

Managing damage to equipment claims after a fire loss

Following a fire loss at an industrial or commercial property, smoke will contaminate machines and equipment even if not damaged by heat. It becomes important at that time to assess the equipment and determine if the contamination is merely cosmetic and ultimately negligible, or if real physical damage has occurred.
It is also important to develop plans to mitigate the damage and reinstate the equipment while minimising BI (Business Interruption).
This workshop is designed to explore and develop a working protocol for handling and managing claims involving contamination to equipment after a fire loss. The delegates will be asked to participate in the development of the protocol based on discussions hosted by our experts who will present scenarios and provide guidance on how to deal with contamination losses after fires in industrial and commercial properties.

For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545