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Damage Assessment

After the cause of an incident is determined, the extent of the damage must be assessed. Our specialists will examine the equipment and the buildings affected by an incident to determine the nature and extent of damage.

Our experts are also able to distinguish between damage caused by the loss and damage caused by uncovered conditions, including standard wear and tear, and other foreseen or gradual causes.

During the course of our investigation into the extent of damage, we inspect the affected property and closely examine the buildings and equipment. We develop plans to conduct further testing, research and analysis to accurately determine the nature and extent of the damage. Using the most sophisticated tests built on recognised international standards, we are then able to provide conclusions regarding the extent of damage.

We coordinate with manufacturers and OEMs to conduct functional testing of the equipment and other materials that were damaged or exposed to contamination. Our close collaboration with OEMs allows us to address concerns raised about the reliability of the equipment following loss. Through testing we are able to determine whether a piece of equipment can be repaired or reinstated while still meeting all appropriate standards.

Our damage assessment is carried out in coordination with all stakeholders involved in the claim, including the insured, loss adjuster, OEM, and all technical service providers. This allows us to formulate opinions based on facts that can be supported by scientific evidence.

Our expertise covers a range of buildings and equipment including: 

  • Residential buildings 
  • Commercial high-rise buildings
  • Industrial properties, including different types of factories and warehouses 
  • Hospitals, clinics, and other health science buildings/laboratories 
  • Libraries, schools, colleges and universities 
  • Government and municipal facilities 
  • Data centres, central offices and other communication centres 
  • Radio/TV production and broadcasting centres 
  • Livestock farms
  • Food processing 
  • Infra-structure such as airports, water & waste treatment facilities, and power plants 
  • Utilities 


For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545