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Accident Investigations

According to Health & Safety Executive (HSE) statistics, 40 million working days are being lost annually through work-related accidents and illnesses. In the most severe circumstances workers are injured and can no longer be part of the work force, or they are tragically killed.

Whether the injury was caused by a collapsing crane on a construction site or a failed underground cable joint, our experts investigate the root cause and identify all factors that led to the accident.

Examples of investigations carried out by our experts include:

  • Fatal injury to an operator following a crane collapse
  • Electrocution of a lineman during the repair of overhead cables
  • Electrocution of a construction worker following the failure of an underground cable joint
  • Electrocution of a power plant worker during the repair of a control cabinet
  • Injury due to an arc flash during commissioning of a new MV switchgear panel in a commercial building
  • The loss of a finger during the collapse of a window opening mechanism
  • Severe injury of a machine operator due to the failure of sensing devices
  • Death by smoke inhalation following a fire in a high rise commercial building

During our investigations we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the circumstances leading to the incident, beginning with an inspection of the accident location and an examination of equipment involved in the accident.

We gather additional information from sources (including witness statements, control system logs, data, and CCTV) and analyse all available information in light of applicable standards and regulations. We also evaluate all the factors that led to the occurrence of the accident including:

  • Job factors
  • Human factors
  • Organisational factors
  • Plant and equipment factors

Over the years our expert reports and testimony have been utilised by lawyers and business owners in many jurisdictions to determine responsibility and to develop new procedures to prevent reoccurrence.


For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545