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Renewable Energy Disputes

The ongoing transition to renewable energy involves many components, from the deployment of new technologies to remote locations in multiple countries around the world to the development of battery energy storage systems and changes to pre-existing energy distribution energy.

We understand the complex engineering principals behind renewable energy generation and distribution, whether it be solar power, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass waste, or hydrogen.

Our Network of Experts comprises are available to provide assistance across many disciplines, including electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil and structural engineering, and metallurgy.

Solar Power

We have provided expert services on matters involving different applications of solar power, including different types of photovoltaic (PV) panels as well as concentrated solar power. Our experts are knowledgeable in the concepts behind solar power, having been involved with it in several applications.

CEERISK experts have been involved with many incidents involving PV panels, including investigations into the performance and efficiency of PV modules, investigations into failures of PV panels arising from both technical/engineering and environmental factors. We have investigated fires in PV panel strings and during the investigation investigated overheating of junction boxes because of shading of part or all the PV panels.

We have also been consulted on matters of performance warranty claim.

Wind Power

Our experts have assisted on many cases involving the supply and installation of wind turbine components, including cables and ducting. We have been asked to provide expert reports and testimony on large matters around the world involving defects in the design and instances of poor workmanship.

We have also investigated the causes and contributing factors of fires that occur in wind turbines, which nearly always result in a total loss.

We have assisted on matters involving both onshore and offshore wind.


We are available to assist in matters involving hydropower projects, whether in the design stage or once these projects are in operation.

Because most hydropower projects are situated on rivers, often with dams, the effects of these projects can be contentious due to the impact on the environment and people living nearby.

Our hydrology and environmental experts have worked on the design and construction of hydropower plants and are available to advise on matters that may arise.

Geothermal Power

Geothermal power that draws heat from the earth, capturing heat that is used directly or using steam from underground to generate electricity.

Our experts have investigated and prepared expert reports regarding turbine failures at a number of power geothermal power plant.

Past Experience

We have assisted in matters involving all types of renewable energy plants, including:

  • Investigated the root cause and contributing factors of the loss in a solar PV plant deployed in a remote location in Jordan. Factors considered included the design, manufacture and construction of solar panels.
  • Investigated the root cause of a fire in a VAR-Compensator used at a solar power plant in south Jordan to improve power quality before connection to the EHV transmission substation.
  • Instructed as an expert in a legal dispute involving the supply and installation of wind turbine towers that were delivered for erection in Perth, West Australia.  Provided opinions related to alleged defects in the electrical components inside the wind towers.
  • Assisted on a dispute involving works carried out as part of the construction of a PV power plant in Egypt. The issues involved the electrical earthing system, where earthing resistance measurements were higher than they should have been and the certificate of completion could not be received.
  • Matters involving the performance and efficiency of PV modules in different deployments, including performance warranty as it relates to technical, engineering, and environmental factors. Matters involving the design and construction of solar PV panels, and the effect that the design had on future failures.
  • Investigated and prepared expert opinions related to failure of a harmonic filter at a wind farm in Republic of Ireland.  During the investigation, CEERISK experts carried out a full design analysis of different components and provided opinion related to  premature failure of different systems at the plant. 
  • Investigated and prepared an expert report with opinions related to cable ducting defects in wind turbine towers.  This included verification of adequacy of design specifications, installation methods, impact of variations on various electrical systems in addition to a number of other issues.
  • Investigated the root cause of a salt leak in a cold salt tank at a CSP plant.
  • Investigated and prepared expert report regarding a steam turbine failure at a geothermal power plant in Jakarta, Indonesia. Investigation involved inspection of the plant in Indonesia, forensic examination of evidence, forensic testing of failed blades at a lab in Stuttgart, Germany in addition to engineering analysis.  Expert report was prepared and published to insurers and reinsurers in London.
  • Investigated fire at CSP plant in Abu Dhabi.  The investigation looked into commissioning and testing defects that led to failures.


For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545