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Claims and Disputes Arising from Construction of Wind Farms

Construction, operation and integration of wind energy projects, whether onshore or offshore, involves a sophisticated collaborative approach between a large number of stakeholders including investors, designers, suppliers, OEMs and contractors to list a few. Very often, wind energy projects have ambitious targets that require accelerating deployment.  Additionally, supply chain and market conditions make it necessary, and economical, to sources parts and equipment from different parts of the world.  These challenges and constantly changing conditions make fertile grounds for insurance claims and legal construction disputes. 

As a globally recognised technical expert, Mamoon Alyah has been instructed by clients in the UK, Europe, Middle East, Singapore and Australia to investigate and prepare expert reports on disputes involving the construction of wind farms.  He will host this webinar during which he will share some of his experience investigating into conditions that give rise to claims and disputes.  Some of the issues he will discuss include:

  • Material defect in supplied wind turbine towers
  • Compliance with local standards for parts supplied internationally
  • Installation methodology and adequacy of OEM installation instructions
  • Serial failures and OEM warranty
  • Design defects and consequential failures