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Contingency Plan for Leading Beverage Provider in KSA

CEERISK specialists carried out a risk assessment of one of Saudi Arabia's leading industrial conglomerates, which serves the local and regional beverage industry as well as operating in several other industries including production and distribution, manufacturing, and oil and gas.

Our specialists conducted an on-site study to offer information to the plant, its insurers, reinsurers, and brokers to assist in the renewal of their current insurance policy. We did a walkthrough of the factory during our inspection, identifying possible concerns and providing recommendations to improve the overall risk profile. Because of the nature of the business, many pieces of equipment and machinery are needed to support production; our specialists examined at their overall condition as well as the overall site.

After our inspection and many discussions with a competent and cooperative management team, we also assisted in the creation of a contingency plan that could be used by plant management to provide guidance to return to business for in the event of a loss that resulted in business interruption.

For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545