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Investigation into Fatal Crane Collapse

A tower crane collapsed during a late-night shift, tragically killing its operator. Tragically, incidents like this continue to happen across the world. Often they are the result of human error or machinery malfunction. Regardless, there is always a root cause that must be investigated to prevent reoccurrence. An expert investigation is also needed to examine warranty conditions in the insurance policy.  

Expert Involvement

CEERISK experts were instructed to investigate the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident and determine the root cause of the collapse. CEERISK was also asked to examine the insurance policy warranties and exclusions. 

Experts undertook this instruction using many investigative techniques, including: 

  1. Eyewitness Interviews: Information was collected about the collapsed crane and the events that took place on the night of the incident. Through this, investigators were able to reconstruct a timeline of the events surrounding the incident. Investigators were also provided with information about the safety protocol in the event of severe weather like what was reported at the time of the incident. 
  2. Inspection of the Plant Yard: Investigators were brought through the plant yard to examine the remains of the collapsed tower crane. Photographs were taken to document the condition of the crane at the time of the inspection. Investigators also found multiple broken and deformed bolts scattered around the plant yard that matched the bolts used on the crane safety stoppers. 
  3. Forensic Testing: The bolts gathered at the site were collected and sent back to London, where they were examined by CEERISK metallurgist engineers, who used different techniques to acquire data necessary for the investigation. 
  4. Review of Records: Maintenance and safety inspection records were reviewed.  
  5. Detailed engineering analysis: CEERISK experts evaluated the evidence and considered different hypotheses. They also reviewed all applicable codes applied by local jurisdictions as well as recognised international standards. 

Bridging the Gap 

Following the investigation, analysis of the information gathered determined that although the wind ultimately brought down the crane, multiple factors contributed to this fatal collapse. 

There were no adequate operational policies for how to cope with inclement weather like what was seen on the night of the collapse. No system was in place to warn of incoming weather. As a result, the crane operator failed to put his crane in out-of-service mode, thereby increasing wind resistance. 

Forensic testing revealed that several of the bolts used to hold a stopper bracket in place were not tightly fixed to the end of the track, allowing the crane to move beyond the track and land on soft ground. 

The expert opinion rendered by CEERISK engineers was also used by the insurers and reinsurers to make a sound and accurate policy liability decision. Although nothing will restore the lost life of the operator, in the aftermath of the incident experts were at least able to determine the cause of the accident, and to advise the site manager of ways to improve safety protocol and standards to avoid similar incidents in the future.  

For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545