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The correct storage of goods and products during transportation is a critical step in any supply chain. Regardless of the product being transported—whether wood/timber, steel/iron, ore, pharmaceuticals, meat and animal products, vegetables, clothing and consumer goods, or hi-tech equipment used for specialised purposes—processes and operations are in place to ensure that all goods are stored in conditions appropriate to their needs during the transportation.

Forensic Investigations

Warehouse fires are unfortunately common, resulting in damage to the structure as well as to the material stored within, potentially costing millions. 

CEERISK has been instructed to investigate the root cause for warehouse fires in many different countries as well as losses that are the result of water escape loss, which often generate a lot of damage to a lot of products. During past investigations we have faced particular challenges, including the difficulty of carrying out investigations while a warehouse was on fire, as well as investigating losses following total destruction of a property. 

We also investigate the root cause of machinery breakdown resulting in failure of refrigeration systems and other critical systems, which led to the damage and spoilage of products.


Depending on the contents of the warehouse, we have worked with companies following exposure to harmful elements such as smoke to determine whether raw materials can still be used. We have also assisted clients to recertify raw material that has been exposed to smoke and other contaminants. 

Risk Management

Fires in warehouses have many contributing causes, including inadequate fire protection systems, insufficient training of operators and security guards who lack the knowledge on how to respond to a fire, in addition to negligence or on occasion deliberate fire-setting. 

Our Risk Management Team has worked with warehouse owners as well as the owners of materials being stored in warehouses to ensure that all appropriate measures are being taken to limit the risk of damage to the building itself and the material stored within the warehouse.


For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545