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Renewable Energy

Recent years have shown a rise in green energy, with large expansive projects being built across the globe. Scotland is currently attempting to move entirely to renewable energy, while Morocco currently boasts the largest solar plant in the world. Many new renewable energy projects have been planned and built in the Gulf states, while recently Germany has pledged to shut down coal-fired plants by 2038. 

Renewable energy covers a variety of power generation plants, each of which use different natural resources and therefore implement different  technologies. 

Wind power plants, commonly referred to as wind turbine generators, use the force from the wind to rotate  turbine generators. Wind turbines are often grouped together in wind farms  (also called wind cities). These are often located in remote areas.  

Solar power plants utilise the energy from the sun to generate electricity. There are different types of solar power plants including photovoltaic solar energy plants, which capture energy from light spectrum of the sun; solar thermal energy plants, that take the energy from the infrared spectrum of the sun to generate steam which activates a turbine; and concentrating power plants (CSP) that use mirrors and lenses to capture the heat from the sun and use it for direct thermal power

Hydroelectric plants make use of running water to power turbines which are used to generate electricity. Running water includes run-of-the-river hydroelectric plants, as well as tidal energy generated from the rise and fall of the tides on the oceans.

Thermal power plants utilise the natural heat from the earth to power turbines that then generate electricity.  

Technical Expert Services

With a constant influx of technological development and continual projects being deployed around the world, the probability for disputes to arise increases.  Disputes can relate to both the construction and the operation of renewable energy plants.

Our Network of Experts are available to shed light on the technical aspect of any renewable energy dispute. Our electrical engineers and mechanical engineers are regularly asked to assist with disputes around the world that arise with renewable energy production systems.

Forensic Investigations

The losses associated with renewable energy production are costly and severe. We investigate losses around the world and understand the technology and its different failure modes in depth. We are also familiar with the contributing factors that make renewable energy so costly—the remote locations, the effect of climate change altering the operating conditions and the relatively new technologies  that are being deployed.

We work to determine the cause of losses and any contributing factors, in addition to evaluating the nature and the extent of damage to equipment.

Risk Management

New technologies that not many people have experience operating, particularly in remote locations, introduces a multitude of problems involved in planning of construction through to operation.

CEERISK experts understand the technologies and machines used across a variety of renewable energy plants, including PV arrays, CSP plants, wind turbines/wind farms, hydro-electric generators, and solar batteries. We also understand the unique considerations that must be accounted for when considering the remote locations where these plants operate.  

For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545