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Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings house not only offices, but also sophisticated data centres, communication hubs and many other essential businesses. Systems operate to ensure the comfort and safety of workers within buildings, as well as the supporting the continued operation of specialist equipment such as data centres and communication that are vital to business activities. 

Some of the systems that are available to keep buildings operational are: 

  • HVAC systems,  control temperatures and air circulation. Whether for a commercial building with office workers that requires appropriate temperatures in some of the hottest cities in the Middle East, or a hospital that requires constant regulation to keep equipment at a suitable level in accordance to HTM standards in the UK, a strong HVAC system is necessary to ensure that operations continue.
  • Water Purification and Waste Treatment present in many manufacturing sites—including refineries, chemical production, and other manufacturing—to treat black water before it can be released safely back into the environment.  
  • Electrical systems, which practically every industry relies on to maintain continuous operation. Electrical systems are so critical that organisations often depend on reliable back-up systems in the event of failure. Electrical failure can result not only in business interruption, but also result in electrical fires with potentially devastating results.  
  • Firefighting and Fire Detection Systems, are designed to ensure maximum success in the event that a fire occurs. Understanding the logistics of these systems is important  for example whether a firefighting system in place is sufficient and effective. Whether the correct type of firefighting system is in place is also necessary to establish because certain types of firefighting systems are insufficient and even hazardous depending on the application and environment used. For example fire fighting systems in petrochemical plants.  
  • Fire Alarms, a separate system from the firefighting system that is vital to the safety of occupants within any premise. 

Our Network of Experts have the specialised knowledge of the unique needs of these properties, including the unique exposures presented across an array of varied properties and locations. 

Technical Expert Services

When disputes arise regarding building systems required for the continuity of operations in property, a technical understanding of the engineering principals is necessary to address the particulars.

We have assisted on many matters that involve building systems, including:

  • Matters related to the supply of electricity to hospitals and other healthcare settings, in accordance with regulations such as the Health Technical Memoranda (HTM) in the UK.
  • The performance of contractors responsible for installing mechanical and electrical systems and the performance of consultancies who inform on the design of systems.
  • Dangerous situations regarding the connection between a business and its energy supplier following multiple power outages.

Forensic Engineering

Following losses in the commercial sector an investigation into the root cause and contributing factors must be carried out.

We have investigated water escape losses and fires in high-rise buildings as well as in shopping centres and other commercial properties. We have also looked at failures involving machinery, such as escalators, travellators and lifts.


After a loss one of the biggest worries for all stakeholders is how to return to previous business operations. We work closely with business owners as well as OEMs, loss adjusters, and other stakeholders to develop reinstatement options to ensure reliability and a prompt return to business.

Risk Management 

Risks include the climate of the area where the building is located and the proximity to external services, including electrical systems and water availability. Any building with multiple businesses operating within, such as high-rise skyscrapers and commercial shopping centres, present specific challenges in management. 

We have provided risk assessments of power supplies in  data centre to reviews of fire safety in open office spaces and our experts are well-equipped to identify hazards that impact the survival of businesses. Additionally we can offer recommendations that will mitigate concerns, thereby improving the overall risk profile of the property in question. We work closely with risk management teams to understand the hazards in place on a property as well as the controls utilised to manage it. 

Over the years, we have been instructed to carry out a multitude of risk surveys and audits of large commercial and industrial buildings. We have surveyed and evaluated the effectiveness of large building systems so as to help owners, occupants, and their insurers mitigate and prevent costly losses.  

For more information or to contact one of our experts please call us on +44 (0)20 7097 1545